Monday, March 07, 2011

Three Six 2011

So,the big day has come and gone! Phew! It was really the big weekend, not just the big day. We started out Friday afternoon with free french fries at Chick-fil-A (they were introducing these cool new ketchup packets they offer). Saturday morning we had some time together as a family. Then we went to a University of Richmond mens basketball game with all four grandparents and our friends the Zollinhofers (Kylen and Owen have been pals since we moved here, the four of our kids really enjoy each other). It was just what we pictured - and just perfect for who the boys are and what they love this year. We had a picnic on campus and made it inside in time for the tip off (Owen really wanted to see that). After the game, we went back and spent some time with the grandparents. It was special for the boys and for us that they could all be there!

We woke up Sunday and made pancakes in the shape of a 3 and 5. Then we went to church and they received many Happy Birthday wishes from friends and teachers at church. After church, we drove on THREE Chopt Road (all holding up THREE fingers for Baxter) and went to FIVE Guys (all holding up FIVE fingers as we drove in the parking lot for Owen). After naptime, the boys opened gifts and I made an elaborate dinner of Mac n Cheese from the box (as requested by the boys!). We finished the day off with a basketball cake. I wasn't sure it looked like a real basketball, but when Owen saw it, he said "Mommy, it looks like a real basketball!" Phew!

It was a real fun weekend celebrating our sweet boys. We realized just how much we love food in our family and how central food is to how we love each other. I guess we're thankful God made so many yummy things to enjoy together! We'll have to watch that!


Casey said...

Yeah! So glad your WHOLE weekend was a celebration of your boys! I told Owen today that I saw the picture of him holding the game Sorry and it brought back memories of my childhood...that used to be my favorite game. And I agree with Owen, the cake does look great. :)

Ali said...

so fun! the pancakes and cake are great.