Sunday, January 28, 2007

Basketball, Baseball and Measuring Cups...

The other day, Owen discovered that it is fun, and a bit of a challenge to put the baseball or basketball into the measuring cup. If I laid the ball next to the cup, he'd pick up the ball and put it in the cup. If he was not able to get it in the cup, he got frustrated at himself. I would help him get it. It was neat to see him trying to focus and figure it out. He looked so proud when he did it!

Our Little Musician

We might have a musician in the making living under our roof!

Like father like son!

Owen had a musical moment the other morning while I was eating my breakfast - the Mozart Music Cube was playing and Owen was shaking the home made shakers and clinking the measuring cups. The pictures shows that he was singing too! Look out American Idol!

Almost 11 Months!

I can't believe that our sweet little boy is almost 11 months old!! We have been more blessed and challenged in the last year than ever before. We are so thankful that the Lord gave us this sweet boy! We look forward to many more months and years to come!

Here are some pictures of what he's been up to recently!

Owen is crawling everywhere, and pulls up to his knees. He's not yet mastered pulling to a stand, but when we get him set up, he'll stand at this toy chest and look out the window at the trees and cars. He likes to fall backwards to a sitting position from standing. He gets frustrated when he tries to stand up. I think any day now he'll surprise himself and just stand up! He also likes to walk when we hold his hands.

Owen's been eating new foods too. He enjoys the staples of cheese, yogurt, sweet potatoes, bananas, applesauce, veggies, bread, etc. Some days for breakfast we make him "Eggy Bread" - dip bread into egg yolks and cook it. He likes that a lot! In the past few weeks we're trying to feed him more of what we're eating - pork roast, pasta - and one day last week we made his first Grilled Cheese! It's a favorite of ours and it was very fun to see him enjoy it!

We are trying to teach Owen to sleep without his Paci! It's going pretty well so far. So now instead of sleeping with a Paci, he sleeps with Puppy. So sweet! (Somehow this night he ended up with both!!)

Monday, January 22, 2007

Why would you not get a Mac?

Saturday night we brought Owen over to our friends the McCann's. They watched him for us and put him to sleep while we were out on a date. When we got back we were chatting and discovered that Sean and Lindsey got a Mac laptop for Christmas. There is a function on the laptop called "PhotoBooth." You can take pictures with a camera in the laptop and then edit them in fun ways.

We were laughing so hard! It is so funny to see how distorted it made us all look! Here are a few of the pictures that we took...INCLUDING some we took with Owen after we woke him up to take him home. Poor boy!

I left being convinced that we need a Mac for our next computer.

Purdys and McCanns

An attractive shot of Kristen and Lindsey.

Family Portrait

Like father like son.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Tuesday was Family Day. This was our first whole day without school, work, or traveling in a LONG time. We were looking forward to it quite a bit. One of the elements we planned into our day off was a trip to the YMCA to take Owen to the pool. The only time he'd been "in" the water was when we dipped his feet in the ocean and pool this summer at the beach. He wasn't thrilled! So we weren't sure what he'd think.

We'll let the pictures tell the story.

Here is Owen in his bathing suit before we left for the Y. He doesn't know what's coming his way.

Here is a picture that perfectly captures how he felt at first - very unsure! He wasn't crying, but certainly not happy.

Here he is willing to sit in the water and pat it with his hands, but he's still very timid.

By the end he was loving it! He would crawl around in the super shalow section, and he and daddy waded out to the "deep" level at 2ft.

Owen is getting mommy and me swimming lessons for his birthday, we look forward to more fun in the pool!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

It runs in the family...

Last week we moved Owen's board books down to the lower shelf on our book case. This was a great move on our part. As you can see in the pictures, he loves it! He loves to sit and pull off the books one at a time and "read" them. When he's done with one book he'll move on to the next one. He is currently reading his books and has been for the last 15 minutes! It's so sweet to watch him. His love for books was certainly passed down through his daddy, his Gramma and others!

Owen reading.

Going back for another one.

Corduroy Day

One day last week ended up being Corduroy Day in the Purdy house. Here is a picture of all of us standing in our kitchen with our Corduroys.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Pizza love runs in the family!

I can't believe we haven't posted this picture yet. For all who know Matt very well, you know of his LOVE for pizza. In fact it is a true statement that he ate pizza EVERY DAY his Freshman year of college. Needless to say, we have looked forward to Owen's first taste of Pizza since his birth. Owen enjoyed his first pizza crust over Christmas. I think it was more fun for us to watch, but Owen seemed to enjoy it as well!

Here is a picture of Owen with his daddy. Note the pizza crust hanging from Owen's mouth.

Monday, January 01, 2007

"Sledding" In Charlotte

I am pretty certain that this is the closest that Owen will get to sledding this winter! We were taking down all of our Christmas decorations yesterday, and Owen happend upon the lid to the tupperware that we store the decorations in. Matt had the great idea to play a game similar to the laundry basket game. Owen loved it! Just imagine the joy of snow and a sled!! Oh well! Lids on carpet bring joy too.

A visit from The Purdys

Since our parents only live 2 hours away, we were able to have a visit from Matt's family on the 28th. Matt's parents, and most of his siblings made it down to Harrisonburg for an afternoon and evening. (We missed you Noelle, Scott, Ashley, Madison and Anna!)

We enjoyed playing fusball, talking, exchanging stocking stuffers and watching them play with Owen.

Thanks for making the trip!

Owen enjoyed some time with Grandpa Purdy and Grandma Purdy on the couch before they headed home.

More Christmas Fun

Here are a few more pictures from our time in Harrisonburg with my (Kristen's) family. We had such a blast - we didn't want to come home. But at the same time, we are glad to be home. Owen's stint of waking up at 5:30 during Christmas break has been ended. He's now sleeping until 7:30! I can go for that!

Matt discovered this fun game with the laundry basket one afternoon. Owen was having a ball - Megan was too!

Here's an up close shot of Owen in the laundry basket.

Here is Owen adoring his sweet Aunt Becky. What a joy it was for us to see Bryan and Becky get to know Owen better. I look forward to Owen's Aunts and Uncles being a very special part of Owen's life.

One last shot of the cousins before we left. They had such a fun time together. Owen's eyes started to light up when they'd enter the room. Reese and Megan were such a great help! It was a blessing to see them get to know each other. I hope and pray that he and his cousins will be closest of friends until they're old and gray!

What a great first Christmas!