Sunday, March 06, 2011


Our sweet Owen is FIVE years old today. I just can't believe it! What a joy it has been to be his mommy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the last five years. There have been innumerable joys as well as innumerable hard times packed into those five years. I am so thankful to the Lord for who HE made Owen to be and for the joy of being his mommy. I feel like 5 is a big deal - moving out of toddler/preschooler into BOY. He does seem more like a big boy to me than a little boy these days - reading up a storm, figuring out math and sports statistics, learning about the world with the Magic School Bus books, playing board games alone or with us hours upon hours of the day. We have decided to homeschool Owen for Kindergarten this fall, and it brings me great joy to know that I'll be spending much of his FIVE year old year with him - learning about God and His world in new and different ways. I am sure that - as with all stages thus far - with the joy will come the challenge and hard long days, but I am glad to walk through it together and with the Lord as our helper and guide. Here are pictures of him at his birthday each year so far...






1 comment:

the reppard crew said...

oh, kristen! he is just so sweet! i love the pictures from the last five years--what an adorable {big} boy you have! congratulations, mama!