Tuesday, March 08, 2011

13 weeks

Today Lucy is 13 weeks old. This is a very significant thing for our family because we were on bed rest for 13 weeks. This is amazing to me. I have been processing this for the last few days. It's been interesting. New emotions have surfaced. Mostly gratitude. Some sadness. I think it's hitting me more and more just how long and hard that time was. But also just how good God is! The past 13 weeks have been so crazy and so rich at the same time. The 13 weeks prior to that were crazy in a very different way. We are so thankful for all that God has done in the last 26 weeks! Bed rest AND with Lucy - we see God's hand in it all and we can praise Him for being good and faithful in it all! (A friend pointed out today that that is 1/2 a year! No wonder we're a bit tired and ragged at times!)

Here is a picture of me on bed rest (start of 13 weeks), Lucy on her birthday (start of the new 13 weeks) and Lucy tonight at 13 weeks.

1 comment:

Casey said...

I freaked out for a brief second when I first read your title of "13 weeks." I know it's not possible for you to be 13 weeks along in a new pregnancy...but that's the first thing that crossed my mind when I read it. Phew! :)