Tuesday, September 21, 2010

From the Couch - an outing!

So I got to leave the house today for the first time in a week. It was nice, but very exhausting. I was actually glad to be back on the couch when we got home! Strange!

My outing was to my doctor and to Walgreen's for a flu shot. The doctor said that we were doing the right thing by being so conservative with the bed rest. She said to "stay the course." We will have another ultra sound at 27 or 28 weeks and that will help us know how to proceed from there. Most likely we're on bed rest until delivery on or before 37 weeks. She also helped us know what it's so important to keep this little girl in my tummy as long as we can which helps me know why I am sitting still all day. I am thankful to have more of an idea of the importance of this and another appointment to look forward to. And the flu shot will help me and baby girl which is great.

Matt was feeling a little "direction-less" this afternoon. Nothing needed to get done and so much could be done, but the boys show was almost ending. He was reminded and reminded me that we always have a direction. Wether or not we are sitting on the couch or at work or loving our kids or whatever we are doing. Our direction is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. That brings life and importance and focus to anything we do. What a helpful reminder as I continue on this journey.

As a side note, I also learned how to knit today! Many of you know my mom is an AMAZING knitter (is that what you call it?!), and she gave me a lesson today. Project #1, a wash cloth for baby girl made out of a sweet pink and white yarn. I'll have to post pictures when I'm done with it. If anyone has an easy pattern, please pass it on!

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