Tuesday, September 28, 2010

From the Couch - Amy Carmichael

One of the things I'm doing these days is reading a book by Elisabeth Elliott called "A chance to die." It is about the life of a missionary named Amy Carmichael. It's very neat/challenging to read. Here is an excerpt that I read today. It's written during her first boat ride to Japan where she started her work in missions.

"She wrote to the Keswick friends that she was "peacefully miserable," that is seasick. She paraphrased a hymn: "Peace, perfect peace, though seasick we can sing, For even so we are beneath His wing."

That helped me to see that though we are currently experiencing a type of "sea sickness" that we can still sing praises to Him because we know and trust we are under His wing. That is good news!

1 comment:

The Nolls said...

Kristen -
I've been thinking of you a lot and praying the Lord continues to bring your sweet family through this time, all healthy, and closer to Jesus than ever before.
I just finished reading A Chance to Die and really loved it. There were so many good nuggets (like the one you shared) that challenged and pushed me in good ways.
I'd love to hear (or read, I guess) what other things your reading these days - either on line or books. :)