Saturday, September 25, 2010

From the Couch - helpless and rallying

One of the harder parts of being on bed rest is that I am pretty helpless. From making coffee to helping with the boys I do not have any way to offer my assistance. We have had LOTS of help from my mom and friends which has been a great thing, especially for Matt who is doing most everything these days. BUT, it's still hard. It's hard to hear/watch Baxter have a fit or be sad and not really be able to help. It's hard to watch someone else get you carrot sticks for snack. It's hard to watch someone else take your son to the bathroom.

I need how to appreciate God's care and God's provision instead of just wish that I could be the one doing these things. To see the vast number of ways He is providing for me and for my husband and our boys. And to see that it's worth it. I COULD make coffee, but it's best for my little girl if I don't. I COULD do a lot of other things, but it just isn't worth the risk. What I need to be concerned about is protecting and nourishing our little girl.

Our pastor encouraged Matt with the truth that a family rallies around the "weakest" member of the family in times of struggle. Right now, our "weakest" member is our little girl, and we all need to rally around her! My rallying needs to be from a reclined/trusting/patient/hopeful position on the couch. Matt's rallying is from a busy/cooking/disciplining/trusting/hopeful position at home and church. The boys rallying is a patient/brave/flexible heart in the midst of everything.

(As a side note, God has waited until now to make our dear Owen a brave boy. This week he ate: sweet potato pie, chicken bbq, and chicken cordon blue with out much of an argument. He also went with a friend to a birthday party today without either of us. 2 months ago he would not have done any of that! Thank you God for your timing with our sweet boy!)

1 comment:

Averitts said...

I just read this aloud to Graham. Please know that our family is praying for yours, and you words are so inspiring and encouraging. The Lord is using this difficulty for many things, I'm sure, but one of them that moves me is how much this precious little girl will be prayed for, by so many, (even long lost friends in Texas) even before she is born. What an encouragement that will be to her all her life!