Thursday, October 20, 2011

School IS cool!

You know that old saying, "School is Cool" ? Well, I would have to say that it is true! We have been having a really great couple of weeks. I think we are more in our rhythm and routine as a family and this new life of homeschooling. The days are still long and tiring, don't get me wrong! But there is just more peace and joy in the midst of it too. I have visions of capturing all of the various parts of our day in pictures and recording it on here, but that just doesn't seem to be happening this year! And I"m ok with that! But I did want to share a few things that we have been up to so that you can have a little window into our world. So here you go...

We are using the Kindergarten Saxon Math curriculum. It is REALLY easy for Owen. BUT, we are really committed (at this point) in keeping "on grade level" so that if and when he goes to school he is the "right" age (among other reasons). Even though this is a really easy thing for Owen, he seems to enjoy it and is not bored. This day he was simply counting pennies and putting them in cups (1 penny in the cup numbered 1, 2 pennies in the cup numbered 2, etc). The picture below where he is smiling is where he has just figured out that he has 55 pennies (I think)... the boy LOVES numbers! It's neat to watch the joy in learning right up close!

Owen has a penpal this year! His sweet cousin Anna Rose lives in Connecticut. She also started Kindergarten this year. Owen and Anna have written a few letters back and forth so far. It is a GREAT day when we go to the mailbox and there is mail from CT! In this most recent letter, Owen had asked Anna if she likes football. She sent her card back with "girly" (according to Owen) stickers and said she liked soccer. She then asked Owen another question for him to answer in this next card. Precious!!

Today was apple taste testing day. We had red delicious, golden delicious, and gala apples. The boys had to taste each one and then pick the one that they liked the best. The both decided that golden delicious is there favorite. I always buy gala...hmmm...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

One comforting thing is that, if you let him, Owen will take his math tasks to whatever level he is ready to work on, so you're not really "forcing" him to think at a lower level than he's ready for. He seems so naturally curious and interested in things, I bet he takes things to a higher level pretty often (which is academically 'perfect'). :) Sounds like you're doing an excellent job and I'm so glad your boys are loving it!