Saturday, July 03, 2010

VBS goes on

We had a fun and yet exhausting week at VBS last week. Owen was in the Pre-K class and LOVED it. Matt and I were Owen's teachers (along with help from our friend Anne Winston - thanks Anne!) which was really neat. Baxter started out in the nursery, and DID NOT LOVE IT, so he joined the "Black Ponies" with us and did great! I think the highlight of the week for both of our boys was the music. The music team was over the top amazing and the Lord used it to sink the songs and the truths of the songs in their hearts. Thank you music team! Here are a few videos of the Purdy Family singing some songs from "Lost Canyon VBS 2010.""

(As a side note, you will also get to see our boys argue with each other a little bit. But that is all part of our world! Pray that they would love each other with the love of Christ! Patient. Kind. Faithful. Long-suffering. We all need it!)

"In My Father's House are Many Mansions"
(From Hide 'em in Your Heart)

"River of Life"
This is the all time favorite of B especially!

Here the boys are being cowboys (or "yee-haw men" as B says) and riding their horses to another song - "You Shall Go Out with Joy." Part of the theme of the week included cowboys and saying "yee-haw" a lot. It has made a lasting impression on them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Absolutely PRECIOUS. You are a good mama, K. Hugs to you all!! :)