Friday, November 05, 2010

From the Couch - Doctors Appointment

This morning we went in for my 31 1/2 week appointment and ultrasound. We took the boys with us before we brought O to school - they enjoyed it, but were also very antsy. They enjoyed seeing Lucy on the ultrasound and listening to her heart beat!

She is growing really well - she's weighing about 4 lbs which is 43% - the doctor was really pleased with that! The placenta has NOT moved, so we will be going ahead with our plan to deliver via c-section on December 14 - unless I have any more bleeding or anything of concern between now and then. That is about 5 1/2 weeks from now...not too bad!

It was really good to see our doctor and have her confirm that the Lord is using all we are doing to help keep me healthy and keep Lucy IN and GROWING. We were thankful for that confirmation and are SO thankful for all of the help we have had and support we have received. It's made it possible for Lucy to keep growing stronger and stronger.

So please keep praying for perseverance in these next 5 1/2 weeks, for strength and health. Also pray for extra grace for us as we enter the cold/flu season that God would protect us and our dear friends who are helping with the boys from sickness.

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