Wednesday, January 09, 2013

PA Farm Show

Today we were introduced to the PA Farm Show. It was really great and overwhelming. Picture a HUGE convention center FULL of cows, pigs, horses, sheep, tractors, chicks hatching, ducks sliding on a slide, sheep being sheared and their wool being turned into yarn, a large butter sculpture etc.

It was a great field trip for us! We went with another family at church and had a blast. They loved petting a horse and rabbit.

Oh, and our kids rode on a bus for the first time. Oh, homeschooling :).

Here are a few pics.


Jana said...

This might seem really random, but I am a friend of Naomi Simmons Glenn (from high school!!!). I found your blog from hers and was tempted to read it because of Pa Farm Show post.
My husband and I moved to Hummelstown back in early October (from Arizona) and it always nice to know we aren't the only new people in town!
Anyway.....where is your husband working? I have been going to LCBC Harrisburg, but am always open to finding new churches and seeing if its the right one for me!!! Thanks for letting me be random!!

Kristen said...

Janna, I'm not sure if you'll get this or not, but it's great to hear from you. I asked Naomi on Facebook for your email in case this does not work! Let me know if you can see this and we can get in touch!