Friday, January 25, 2013


One of the highlights of the last few weeks has been joining a homeschool group called Classical Conversations. It is held on Tuesday mornings from 9-12 and then we stay for lunch and "recess". Lucy is in the nursery and the boys are each in their own class. We all learn the same new content each week. There is a lot of memorizing to song and it has been amazing to see the boys pick it up.

One of the things for this week was learning what the tallest mountain on each continent is. We have been incorporating the CC material into our lesson plan for the week at home. Today each boy chose their favorite mountain and we "recreated" it and painted it. They were so into it! Owen wanted Mt. Everest of course. It is the tallest of all! Naturally Baxter chose the 2nd tallest - Anconagua in South America. (I found the idea for this here:

While they were busy building and painting Lucy was busy playing with some dry pasta and bowls. This went well until she dumped it on the floor. That seems to be her favorite past time these days. I can't wait for her to outgrow that!!

Thankful to be learning with and alongside these precious boys. Even though they are each learning new ways to push my buttons and rebel. I am learning that the gospel is big enough to handle their issues and mine :) and we can walk through that with each other.

All that said ... Thankful the weekend is here!

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