Thursday, January 26, 2012


My parents gave me this great daily devotional for Christmas called "Edges of His Ways" by Amy Carmichael. Amy was a missionary to India (among other places). This devotional is full of her musings about the Word of God and some poems/songs she has written. Each day is VERY short and VERY deep which I love for the phase of life I am in right now. I'm sure you can find it on Amazon or Westminster Bookstore.

Today's devotional was about compassion. She quoted Mark 8 where Jesus speaks about having compassion on the multitude of people.

Here are some of her words:

"I have often found it easier to have compassion on the multitude than on the individual, especially a rather tiresome individual...When we next have to deal with a forgetful boy or girl, perhaps this way of His will (being merciful to his people) will help to guide our ways. It is so easy to feel inwardly impatient, but He whom we follow never did. 'Jesus Master, I would be More and more made like to The.'"

I was convicted of my lack of compassion towards my children this morning. For being impatient with Baxter because he didn't want to go potty before rest time (even though we do this EVERY day), for rushing Owen through a story he was telling me because I was ready to move on with our next assignment, for getting frustrated at them for fighting with each other for the tenth time today (AND we were on the way to the park on a beautiful day - how can you fight on a day like today when you're about to play at the park?!), etc.

And yet I was also encouraged that I see God, in HIS compassion, at work in me and in them. He is at work to soften my words - even when I am frustrated. He is at work to bend Baxter's stubborn will. He is at work to give our boys love towards each other. And He will be at work when Lucy starts in on all of this too...though I'm still not sure the baby girl of the family (ahem!) deals with this stuff too. Ha!

The words of this song were in my head this morning, and I think it's a good place to stop..."Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever."

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