Tuesday, December 07, 2010

This is the day!!

My nurse came in this morning at 6:20 to take my vital signs, and listen to Lucy's heart beat. They do this every morning. (Not sure why they come at 6 instead of 7, but that is besides the point.) I have had this nurse for three of the last four nights. She walks in and says "Good Morning...you get to have a baby today!" I rubbed my eyes having just woken up and said "what do you mean?"

It turns out that the second test they ran from my amnio yesterday (which is the more detailed and "golden standard" test) came back with great results. They don't know why the first test was negative, but my doctor and the high risk doctor feel great about this and we're going to go for it!

I am scheduled for 4pm - barring any delay in Labor and Delivery.

I am still in a state of shock - I am excited, and amazed and a little bit unsure what to think. This whole bed rest ordeal is finally coming to a close. We get to meet our sweet Lucy Grace and learn how to live as a family of five.

Please pray for a peaceful day leading up to the surgery. Please pray for protection for Lucy and I during delivery and recovery. Because of my placenta issues, I will likely bleed more than normal, so please pray for protection in that way and that the doctors will act quick and with great wisdom and stop any bleeding.

We'll let you know when she's here!


Danielle said...

Oh that is such GREAT news!!! We will be excited to hear about your Lucy being born. Praying for you all!

Unknown said...

We are so excited we can hardly breathe! We can't wait to hear. We pray for great peace for you, skill for the doctors, and the Lord's hand in it all, of course.
We love you!!
Jerry and Louise

brandie said...

it is 4:06 and I am praying for you all right now-- can't wait to hear an update!

brandie said...

it is 4:09 and I am praying for God's merciful love and guidance right now! can't wait to get an update!

scs said...

Woohoo, Purdys!! We can't wait for you to snuggle with miss Lucy and for the boys to meet their baby sister! Praying for all the things you shared. You are our heroes for persevering through a very challenging pregnancy and seeking to trust God all along the way!

Afton said...

Ok...first of all you forgot to say your "awesome nurse." Ill count that as an oversight. Secondly we take your vitals at 6ish because change of shift is at 7 and things tend to get crazy then. I hate waking people up early! So glad Lucy is home safe and sound with you all! It was a pleasure caring for you. Hope to see you sometime soon.