Friday, April 16, 2010

For God So Loved the World

In our "school at home" times, we have gotten back into the swing of things a bit. Spring and Easter occupied much of our time at home in March. Now that April is here, we are back to Susan Hunts "ABC's of God's Word." We did the letter "E" last week, and I didn't get any pictures of it. So we'll just jump to letter "F".

F - "For God so love the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

This was neat to study right after Easter, since at Easter we celebrated just what this verse is speaking about. God giving His son, Jesus, to die for us so that those who believe in Him will not perish but will have eternal life with God. Does it get any better than that?! It was neat to touch on the first part of that verse too - the LOVE of God. And that that love is so great and so big and so personal. And that through His love, He accomplishes our salvation! Not based on anything we have done, but solely on what He has done. Now if only those truths can remain in my heart and on my mind each day, and sink deeply into our children's hearts and minds as well.

We made a FFFlag that has our Bible verse on one side and a big F next to a heart with a cross in it on the other side. I think that I found this more clever than O did. Oh well!

On another day, O and B did some gluing. I cut out the pieces, and as we walked through the verse, they each glued (B with lots of help, O with just a little) the pieces on. The pieces I used were:

- a BIG heart (God so loved)
-a world (one piece blue, one piece green...the world)
-a cross (gave his Son)

I'm sure you could add more parts to get the whole verse in, but this is where I stopped. I also saw a neat mobile for this verse at a neat website called Impress Your Kids.

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