Thursday, June 18, 2009

Can I spell OPEN?

A few weekends ago, Grams and Grampop (Matt's folks) came to town. We went to one of our favorites for lunch - Superstars. On our way there, we walked down a block of store-fronts and Owen discovered the OPEN sign. He looks for it everywhere we go and says OPEN!! when he finds one.

This morning we were playing a game that we have on the computer and you have to type your name on the train ticket before you start. He typed the "O" and paused. He looked at me and said "Can I spell OPEN?" I said "Sure, buddy." He then typed "P" "E" "N." OPEN.

What an amazing thing to watch a mind learn to read and interact with God's world! What a neat thing that one day he'll be able to read God's Word! What a blessing that we can learn to read for such a purpose as that!

1 comment:

Jerry Purdy said...

Thanks for sharing this about Owen, Matt & Kristen. What a wonderful event for Owen to begin spelling words, especially one so significant as O P E N. May his spirit always be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Way to spell, Owen!!!

Love, Grampop