Thursday, January 01, 2009

Early Christmas from Grams and Grampop

We enjoyed an overnight visit with Matt's folks the weekend before Christmas. They came down on Friday and watched the boys while we were at our Staff Christmas party which was a huge gift to us! Then the next day we were able to just hang out and play. They brought the boys Christmas presents which the boys enjoyed opening and we made some yummy Christmas cookies.

Here is Owen sitting at their new table! He REALLY enjoys playing at it - it provides a place for him to play that is MOSTLY outside of Baxter's curious reach. He likes to play with puzzels, matching games, picnics, etc. Thank you Grams and Grampop!

Here is Owen focusing on making some cookies. We made ginger bread men, snowflakes and christmas trees.

Here is the finished product - the part that Owen enjoyed the most was perfectly positioning the mini-m&ms. Like father like son :)

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