Saturday, December 22, 2007

December Fun

Just a few pictures of what we've been up to in the last few weeks.

We had some snow a few weeks ago - it was just a dusting, but it was fun to watch Owen. He kept calling it snowman. It was cute.

Matt and Owen had some daddy/son time one day and this is what went on.

My mom gave us a book called "Make Way for Ducklings" by Robert McCloskey. Owen LOVES it!! He requests it about 4 times a day and will sit still through the whole book. Here he is reading it by himself. Makes him look so grown up to me.

We had our friends Wes and Jennifer Farkas over for dinner recently. Matt took this picture to capture what fun Owen and Luke were having while we finished our dinners.

Owen and I reading the duckling book together - note the growing belly :)

Our friends Kyle and Jenny watched Owen the other night. We found these self timer pictures when we got home. I'm impressed that they got Owen to sit still for the self timer!!

Owen has started to show an interest in the alphabet and learning letters. Here he is looking at the alphabet on this toy.


Virtuous said...

So great to see updates of you and the fam; and knowing you all are still doing well!

Merry CHRISTmas!

Melissa said...

My brother & I LOVED the "Ducklings" book, too, when we were little. So much, in fact, that I think my mom finally BOUGHT the library's copy.
Yall look great- so fun to see the littlest Pirdy making an appearance, too. Merry Christmas!!! :-)M

Melissa said...

Errr... that was supposed to be littlest PUrdy. Sorry :-)