Friday, April 20, 2012

Sweet Lucy

It is very apparent that Lucy is the baby sister of two older brothers! This is apparent in many ways, one of which is her vocabulary. Here are a few of the words she can say - what a mix!

-owah (Owen)
-bahbah (Baxter)
-bufwy (butterfly)
-dahdahdahdah (belly button)
-vroom vroom (car)
-chuchu (train)
-sshhoouuuu (airplane...don't really know how to spell what she says for it)
-aa da (all done)
-bye bye

This morning she had both a baby doll and a Rescue Hero in her stroller that she was pushing around. I asked her to give Baxter the Rescue Hero. She reached into the stroller, picked up the Rescue Hero and brought it to Baxter. What a sweet girl!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

LOVE 'bellybutton.' Such sweetness.