Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tuckahoe Tigers

Owen started his very first season of basketball this past weekend. He is playing through our local YMCA on the Tuckahoe Tigers. Daddy is the assistant coach on his team which both Owen and I are excited about. Matt and Owen really loved the first practice! I asked Owen what he liked and he said "I'm ready for next week!" We are really excited about this for Owen - to be able to be on a team with other 5 year old boys, taking direction from his coach (and assistant coach)! And also we're excited for this chance to be used as a light with other families who may not know about the Gospel. It's neat to help Owen learn about that, and learn right along side of him!! Here is a little bit of a blurry picture of him waiting to practice his bounce pass :) I'm sure there will be more pictures to post and scores to report as the season goes on. :)

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