Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry "Croup"mas in pictures...

Though it was a Merry "Croup"mas this year, we still enjoyed one another and were thankful for Jesus being born...FOR US!! Here are some pics...

Pre-Christmas celebration with Gramma and Grampa:

Owen has wanted this Hokie Bird pillow pet for a while...he was thrilled to open it!

A ThirtyOne bags gift for my parents...a LARGE utility tote for all of the knitting/books/food/etc that they generously tote to CT, FL and VA to their kids and grandkids. AND for an "occasional" trip to Costco :)

Following a breakfast of oatmeal and MONKEY BREAD :) we opened our stockings...

Let the 104.8 fever begin...

And present opening. The kids each get 3 gifts from us (just like Jesus got 3 gifts from the wise men) and this year they gave each other gifts. It was fun to "set them loose" in Target with a $5 budget for each sibling and see what they chose. We felt like it was a neat way to help them to focus not only on getting gifts, but also giving.

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