Friday, September 02, 2011

Saturday Bagel Time

This picture is a little snapshot of one of my favorite times of the week. In our house we simply call it "bagel time." Most weeks, on Saturday morning, we get up, get the kids breakfast, and get me out the door. I am generally gone for about an hour and a half. I head to our favorite bagel shop, Cuppertino's NY Bagel and Deli, with my Bible, notebook, a few books. I find a great corner to sit in, order my everything bagel toasted with plain cream cheese and a small coffee, and I sit down to meet with the Lord.

It is a time of refreshment for me. On one hand it it good to be away from my home for a little while - to have a break from the demands of my kids and my home. But most of all, it is good for me to be in the Word and in books that are instructive to things I am dealing with. God meets me there. I am refreshed. It is good!

I am currently reading through the Bible in a year - I have the ESV Bible in a Year. I pick up on whatever day it is. In reality it's the Bible in 10 years, but that is ok :) I am also reading through a few great books:

Praying Life by Paul Miller

Instructing a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp

The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson

If you are able, I strongly recommend starting something like Saturday morning bagel time!


scs said...

I remember you mentioning this tradition before as a sacred time for you! SO glad you've kept it up, Kev often frees me up on Sat morning to get out for time with the Lord, too. I've read the first book (Praying Life--LOVED IT) and heard great things about the other should write a mini review of them when you're done (w/ all that time on your hands :)!

Amanda K. said...

tom and i are doing the bible in a year, too...for me it's going to be more like the bible in 4 years, whereas tom's right on track!