Saturday, August 13, 2011

GAP Beach Trip 2011

My brother Brett realized this week that our "Gillan And Purdy" beach trip should have been sponsored by GAP (Gillan And Purdy!). So clever! We had a really great week at the beach - I keep telling people that it was even slightly relaxing! Go figure! A beach trip with three kids can be relaxing. The key to that was our sweet Lucy. She napped pretty well on the beach every morning for her morning nap. When she was napping in her little tent and the boys were playing in the ocean or on the sand with cousins and daddy and aunts and uncles and gramma and grampa, I could site near Lu and read a book! Crazy I know! I even finished the book I brought with me (Left Neglected by Lisa Genova...neat book!).

We were very thankful for our time as a family at the beach as well as time with family. It's neat to see the cousins continue to develop friendship with one another and for us to get some time with my brothers and their wives and my parents.

After our week in Corolla with the GAP clan, we headed south to Kill Devil Hills (I think) to spend a few more days with Matt's family. We were thankful that the weeks overlapped so well. We got to take the kids to ice cream and we went to "the dunes" at Jockey's Ridge.

I think that pictures tell the story the best, so here you go...a LOT of pictures of a great week and a half!


Unknown said...

WHAT FUN!!! HOW GREAT that you guys have family to vacation with:) !! Glad it was refreshing;)thx for sharing the fun color-coordinated pix!

Melissa said...

Wow-- yall look great, your nieces & nephews have gotten so big (is it weird for me to say that?), and I love Lucy's face in the towel picture. So real life. Glad you had such a (surprisingly!) sweet vacation!