Saturday, July 30, 2011


We are headed to the beach!! It's amazing how much needs to get done to pack up FIVE people. Yikes!! 'm hoping for a sweet time with family, SOME rest, good sleep and lots of fun! I am certain it will be a busy week! Can't wait to introduce Lucy to the ocean and the sand :) Thankful God is good and He goes with us!!

Here are some sweet pictures of the last few weeks. They make me feel thankful for our kids. Though there are many moments of the day that are long and hard - where my sin and their sin mix together for many non-photo-opportunities (is that even a word/phrase?!), these pictures remind me that God is at work to rescue and redeem.

1 comment:

scs said...

I LOVE that shot of Lucy's profile just plopped in a sitting position on the carpet--she's at such a cute, squeezable baby stage!!! have a fun beach week, purdys :)