Sunday, October 10, 2010

From the Couch - Book Recommendation

Matt started reading a book last night called "All Things for Good" by Thomas Watson (17th century pastor - but easy to read!). I picked it up this morning and started into it as well. I just read an excerpt from the preface and the introduction and find myself highly encouraged and stirred up in my faith. I suggest you pick up a copy HERE.

Here is part of the preface to whet your appetite:

"ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD. (Romans 8:28) To know that nothing hurts the godly, is a matter of comfort; but to be assured that ALL things which fall out shall cooperate for their good, that their crosses shall be turned into blessings, that showers of affliction water the withering root of their grace and make it flourish more; this may fill their hearts with joy till they run over."

1 comment:

Wynne Family said...

Our Bible study is going through this book right now and I love it!