You may remember that we made an Easter Mountain last year. We got this idea through a fantastic book by Noel Piper called "Treasuring God in our Traditions." If you click HERE you can follow to a post that her son Abraham made a few years ago that includes instructions. I thought I'd post this now in case you are interested in joining us in this this week!
One thing that this post didn't include was how to break up the scripture into sections. Below you will find how we decided to split up the verses. Each day I would (and will again starting in the morning...our "mountain" is in the oven as I type!) set up the "people" and the "mountain" in a scene contained in the verses, we would then read the appropriate section of verses to the boys. Some sections are a bit long, and I even skipped over a bit. You can decide the best way to divide it up for your family. Just be sure to capture the main parts!
Monday - Mark 14:22-31
Tuesday - Mark 14: 32-42
Wednesday - Mark 14:43-51
Thursday - Mark 14:53-65 (maybe just part of this since it's a long section)
Friday - Mark 15: 21- 41 and 42-47 (again a long section, pick what you think is best)
Saturday - Nothing. Just wait.
Sunday Mark 16:1-8
I hope and pray God will use this to sink His truth deeper into our hearts and minds this Easter. How much we need to be reminded of the great love that the Father has upon us, sinners! That He would give His Son to die for us and bring us into His family. "See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are." 1 John 3:1
love it...I'm going to do it! Thanks for sharing.
Hooray! Thanks for the scripture breakdown-- you just saved me some naptime work! We're ready with our mountain for the first time tonight-- Happy Easter week to the Purdys!
Thanks so much for posting this, Kristen! I can't wait for this to become our Easter tradition. We've got our pipe cleaner people made and our mountain in the oven! :)
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