On a walk with a good friend the other day this is how it went. O was real cranky to begin with. Not good. B kept putting his feet up on the front bar of the stroller. No problem. Until they landed on O's side. Bad news. Big freak out by O. Put blanket on O so that B's feet wouldn't touch him. Walked three more steps. B's feet now landed on the blanket, still no good. Rolled up another blanket to make a divider. This lasted about 10 steps. I don't remember what happened after that, but B had a huge smile on his face the whole time! He isn't yet doing it on purpose, but it doesn't go well with O. My friend loves watching how I react and what I do on these walks to seek to keep the peace. She just marvel that I had two blankets in the stroller in JUNE! Partially laziness and partially the grace of God!!
Now all days are not like that, but I thought it was a funny story about how sweet and funny and yet very different from his brother our little Baxter is!
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