Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sweet Family Time

We had a really great time this afternoon just hanging out as a family. This is by far the most pictures we've ever posted at one time. I hope you enjoy them!

Owen has been pulling to a stand now for the last week - it's so fun. All of a sudden one day he decided he could do it, and now he acts like this is a skill he's always had! Here he is after pulling up on the couch.

He has started to blow kisses - not very consistently - how sweet!

This is a funny face that he makes.

He is such a thinker at times - really studies and tries to figure things out.

Here is a picture of me and Owen. He has moments of being so cuddly! Then it's back to playing.

A little tickle fun. After all of the years of being tickled by my two older brothers, I can't believe I tickle my son.

Matt captured this one - what a shot!

Thanks to one of my college roomates (who is a teacher), Owen has been learning his letters and what sounds they make. Here he is learning about the letter "P". So smart. Thanks JB! (note: He doesn't actually know his letters and sounds, but he really likes putting the letter tile in the space and making the song play!)

What is more fun than a box? Matt and Owen were having a lot of fun with the box!

We are so thankful for our sweet boy and can't believe he's almost one year old! There will be many pictures of cake and cupcakes smooshed on his face soon enough!

1 comment:

Brett said...

You should always listen to your mommy...but on this one, I'm not so sure. She loved being tickled by her big brothers. And some day we have a nose story for you...

Love you!
Uncle Brett