Friday, March 06, 2015

9 and 7. How can it be?!

Today is one of the best days of the year. Three Six is what it is known by in our family. The birthday of Owen and Baxter. Today Owen is 9 and Baxter is 7. 

This morning I was thinking about how thankful I am that God made them and that God has sustained them and that I get to be there mom. I was also thinking about how often I forget those things because being their mom is just so hard. I get to love them and care for them and enjoy them, but I also get to weather their sinful hearts all day every day. I see the amazing boys they are becoming and I see the deep selfishness in them both. I see the joy of brothers loving each other and the yuck of fights. 

It is the highest joy and deepest battle at times, being their mom. But I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

I am asking The Lord to use this day of celebrating His making and sustaining Owen and Baxter to encourage me in the calling of motherhood. 

Happy Birthday, boys!!

Just a few pics of the little years. 

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