Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Fall is ALMOST here...we have been counting down the days! It is by far the favorite season for our whole family! What's not to love? Pumpkins, chili, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin coffee, pumpkin muffins, leaves, etc. etc. One of the things we'll be doing this fall is watch how this dogwood tree in our front yard changes. Owen will be taking a picture of it either every other week (every other now, every when it changes more noticeably). This will be a great science lesson on seasons and change and such, but I am just realizing it will also be a great spiritual lesson as well. There are times that we are full of life - brimming with good fruit (summer) - and there are other times where we are being tried and shedding some layers of sin and bad fruit (fall) - other times where it seems there is no life and no fruit at all at work in us (winter) - and then the wonderful season where signs of new life are all around us (spring). I need to remember that - I tend to get discouraged by the falling leaves or the seemingly barren tree branch, forgetting that God's power and work and love are coursing through that barren branch, ready to produce something wonderful and good and beautiful!

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