I haven't had many sad moments in the last few weeks. I have had moments of frustration or restlessness, but not too many sad moments. I am so thankful for that and I really see God's protection in that most of the words I'd use to describe the last 5 weeks include peace, contentment, etc.
Well today was a sad morning. What set me off what Matt getting the boys snack packed for school. It struck part of my heart that misses being a mommy to these boys in the ways that I am used to and love to. I am being a mommy to Lucy in a very tangible and important way, but that means that the way I love my boys has had to change.
I am holding on to the fact that the Lord is my Shepherd today and that He promises that we shall not want - that means we shall not lack. He is leading and guiding us and He will lead us and guide us in the way that is best for us. He is our good and loving shepherd.
I received an email from a dear friend that encouraged me right at this point. I knew that our Wellspring women's Bible study had been looking at Psalm 23 yesterday, and so the concepts from the Psalm were in my mind (I think this would be a good day for me to go do that study myself). She has some words of encouragement from their time in the Word yesterday. I'd like to share it with you so that you too may be encouraged by the Lord being YOUR shepherd wherever you find yourself today...
"I love that you are seeking to trust the Lord as your shepherd. Yesterday our Bible Study spoke about how David learned to trust the Lord as his shepherd. Think of David's up and down life - mountain top experiences, deep valleys - pictured in our lesson from this past week. I think that David continued to look back at his shepherd's care for him - looking in his rear-view mirror at the valleys he had walked through and seeing the presence, goodness and mercy of the Shepherd through those deep, difficult times. And so his faith in the Shepherd grew, bit by bit as he looked back and saw the Shepherd's faithfulness to him. Their relationship grew. David trusted the Shepherd's care more and more....until eventually he could say with confidence...."I shall not fear", and "I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever!" Those are two very bold statements about David's future, built squarely on the past faithfulness of his Good Shepherd's care for him in David's own personal difficult valleys.
So, today, I'll encourage you as you are experiencing real sadness in the midst of a valley, to look back and see the faithfulness of your Shepherd in those other valleys you have walked through. Notice His presence with you, His comfort, His provisions for you, His refreshment, the way He restored your soul in valleys-past. He will give you hope for today and the future."