Baxter is going on 9 days with this cold. He's on the mend just dealing with the remaining guck. Owen started in the middle of the night with a croup-cough. Typical for our boys. It's just the way they get sick. I knew yesterday that he wasn't quite himself. Going to bed last night the Lord revealed my anxious heart and allowed me to entrust my boys and myself to His wise hands. Today is a school day for Owen, and I knew that if he woke up sick, we'd be housebound AGAIN. Instead of carrying that anxiety with me to bed, I cast it onto Him knowing that He cares for me, and went to sleep. I awoke at 3:30 to a very croup cough, wheezing sounding Owen. Thankfully we had some prednisone left from Baxter and so we were able to help him out. He ended up sleeping until 7:15 or 7:30, but I knew then, at 3:30, that my day would not be as I had planned. My day was in the Lord's hands and it didn't look like I had planned. And I was ok with that. That on its own is a work of God!
We ended up having the greatest day we've had in a while. God was so good to take away any bitterness or sadness that we were housebound again. He allowed me to be creative (Below are some pictures of our "painters tape road and city" that we made. I saw this idea on a blog that I saw. They had stop signs and such too. I guess you could go all out), and proactive. We just enjoyed being together and doing things together. We even got out for a run. You can't get other people sick on a run! Thankfully it was a BEAUTIFUL day. It was all such a blessing.
I realized after Matt got home at 5 and I grabbed a quick shower before dinner that I felt the Lord's nearness and goodness more than normal - on a day where I would have anticipated struggling to see that. I realized that all of the things I normally go to for help or peace or stability were taken away (the mall, the library, Target, preschool, plans, friends...) and I was left with a good, no, a very good, God to rely on for that peace and help and joy. What a blessing. Those other things will return soon, Lord willing, but I hope and pray that my trust and joy would still be found in Him in a new and deeper way than it was before this housebound day.
This song is a favorite of ours - we call it "Praise God" - and I think it's fitting for today.
"Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow.
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Him above thee heavenly hosts.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. AMEN"
1 comment:
Wow, K-- thank you so much for that. He IS so good.
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