Saturday, January 17, 2009

Round Table

We have the joy of hosting an event every other month at our house called Round Table. We borrowed an idea from our church in Charlotte (Pub Night). The event is for the Young Adult's group at our church. There is a topic for the night that Matt does a brief teaching on and then they break up into small groups to discuss and think about what the Bible teaches about it and how to interact with it as Christians, and then Matt does some closing remarks. It's been a great joy to host. It's neat to see our house full of people interacting with scripture and being changed and challenged and grown. What a blessing. Last night the subject was Money - how to glorify Christ with our money. We had some great discussion. Here are a few pictures of the groups discussing. We pray that this would be a blessing to those who come and that God would use it to grow His Kingdom in the hearts of His people.

1 comment:

Virtuous said...

Oooh I would so be interested in Pub Night!! So since there isn't one here I can't wait to hear about the next topic!

Any pointers from this one?? I am trying to better about the $ dept...I am sure we all are! ;o)

Here is my e-mail again just in case: