Monday, October 13, 2008

A few fun times

Here are a few fun things from the last week.

Owen finger painting - his favorite part is to mix the paint on the paper plate when he's done painting on the paper. We were using fall colors this day - red, yellow, green, organge. Notice the nice shade of brown that they made when he mixed it up. I love fall!

Because our little B is so much more mobile than Owen was at this age, we went out and got this new toy at a kids consignment store the other day. Love those stores!! BOTH Owen and Baxter love it. It's been a source of great joy and a source of learning much about selfish hearts! Oh, what a process it is to grow in Christ as a 2 year old!!

I don't remember why, but when Matt tried to take this picture of us reading, I started laughing and that made Owen look up at me and smile. Matt captured that moment.

Baxter just hanging out with some things to chew on - a bowl, a spoon and an Ant that has bells on it. What more could one want?

1 comment:

Melissa said...

The Dirks have that same table toy thing. They brought it back out to prepare for Henry's arrival, and immediately Sam & Maggie both went ga-ga over it, as if they'd never seen it before. Hilarious.