Tuesday, December 04, 2007

In the Words of Owen

Owen is constantly learning more and more words and phrases. It's quite precious. Here are a few of the latest.

-This morning after Bible Study, we asked Owen what he learned about in his "Bible Study" (nursery with a Bible Story). He quickly answered "Jesus." Nothing better than that!
-Whenever we see a fire truck, Owen tells a mini story including all of the following - "fire truck"..."flashing lights"..."loud"..."where'd it go?"..."help"..."bye bye truck". The noise scares him, but we've told him that the truck is going to help somebody and that seems to help.
-Owen can recognize the letters "O", "W" and "P". For "O" he says "Owee". For "W" he says "double p". And for "P" he just says "P". Double P (aka "W") is our favorite!!

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