Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Fall is here!

We love fall here in the Purdy house! Here are some fun moments we've had recently. I realize that in almost all (if not all) of these pictures Owen is dressed in a couple of Orange shirts. He does have more than 2 long sleeve shirts!

Such a sweet boy!

He went through a phase of walking around with blocks in his mouth. Mostly he just likes to open and close the bag (thanks to my roommate Regina at our last Son House reunion!) and build "towe" with them.

Still making the cheese face!

I know we all had a puppy that you pulled along when we were young. Fisher Price is still making it and Owen loves to either pull it around OR he really loves to chase us when we pull it around or run from us when we chase him with it!

Me and my pal Owen. What a sweet boy! He gives us hugs and kisses and snuggles. What a joy he is to our hearts! Today he woke up from his nap talking about all sorts of things - puppies, paci, piggy... Then he said "God, Baby, Mommy." He knows that God made our baby and that he or she is in mommy's tummy. So amazing. (Note: he also thinks that daddy has a baby in his tummy and asks other people if they have babies in their he's still not really understanding what is going on, but he's making headway for sure.)

1 comment:

Virtuous said...

Love all the updates but I must have missed that you are pregnant again?!?

E-mail me so we can catch up!

TTYS :o)