I can't believe that our sweet little boy is almost 11 months old!! We have been more blessed and challenged in the last year than ever before. We are so thankful that the Lord gave us this sweet boy! We look forward to many more months and years to come!
Here are some pictures of what he's been up to recently!
Owen is crawling everywhere, and pulls up to his knees. He's not yet mastered pulling to a stand, but when we get him set up, he'll stand at this toy chest and look out the window at the trees and cars. He likes to fall backwards to a sitting position from standing. He gets frustrated when he tries to stand up. I think any day now he'll surprise himself and just stand up! He also likes to walk when we hold his hands.

Owen's been eating new foods too. He enjoys the staples of cheese, yogurt, sweet potatoes, bananas, applesauce, veggies, bread, etc. Some days for breakfast we make him "Eggy Bread" - dip bread into egg yolks and cook it. He likes that a lot! In the past few weeks we're trying to feed him more of what we're eating - pork roast, pasta - and one day last week we made his first Grilled Cheese! It's a favorite of ours and it was very fun to see him enjoy it!

We are trying to teach Owen to sleep without his Paci! It's going pretty well so far. So now instead of sleeping with a Paci, he sleeps with Puppy. So sweet! (Somehow this night he ended up with both!!)